Kevin Carroll: ‘A ball saved my life.’ Kevin has been an agent of change around the globe for decades but it was the power of play, the power of sport that served as his Katalyst.
From the street of Philadephia to the Air Force, in the locker room of the 76ers to the board room of Nike, Kevin has been impacting others. His story revolves around a red rubber ball and how on a playground, alone, his life was saved by the power of play.
You’ll be challenged to ask yourself if you’re chasing your dreams, you’ll be inspired to seek your Red Rubber Ball and you might even scare yourself. But like Kevin says, ‘If it doesn’t scare you, it isn’t big enough.’

Y-Option: College Football with Yogi Roth
A college football podcast through the lens of the West Coast. Yogi Roth brings a uniquely expert, curious, and western take on the game we love. Facts first, opinions second.
A college football podcast through the lens of the West Coast. Yogi Roth brings a uniquely expert, curious, and western take on the game we love. Facts first, opinions second.Listen on
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