In the fourth and final installment of the LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS travel series, host Yogi Roth recaps his final leg, a surprise visit to London and the overall European adventure of 2016.
From Hyde Park in London, Roth shares his last few days, a reflection on the last 3 weeks, why he leaves his shoes on each adventure and a spoken word poem titled '3 weeks ago.'
This short episode will stoke your flame to explore, offer Yogi’s answer to ‘What Makes Us Human?’ and his future travel plans.
Listen to the LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS podcast on iTunes or BlogTalkRadio
Y-Option: College Football with Yogi Roth
A college football podcast through the lens of the West Coast. Yogi Roth brings a uniquely expert, curious, and western take on the game we love. Facts first, opinions second.
A college football podcast through the lens of the West Coast. Yogi Roth brings a uniquely expert, curious, and western take on the game we love. Facts first, opinions second.Listen on
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